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| class UnionSet(): def __init__(self,grid): m, n = len(grid), len(grid[0]) # 代表需要合并的节点(岛屿,朋友) self.count=0 self.parent=[] # 将二维数组降纬 for i in range(m): for j in range(n): if grid[i][j]=='1': self.count+=1 self.parent.append(i*n+j) # 树的秩,也就是高度。初始化数量与节点树相同 self.rank=[0 for i in range(m*n)] def find(self,x): if self.parent[x]!=x: self.parent[x]=self.find(self.parent[x]) return self.parent[x] def union(self,x,y): rootx=self.find(x) rooty=self.find(y) if rootx!=rooty: if self.rank[rootx]<self.rank[rooty]: self.parent[rootx]=rooty self.rank[rootx]+=1 elif self.rank[rootx]>self.rank[rooty]: self.parent[rooty]=rootx self.rank[rooty]+=1 else: self.parent[rooty]=rootx self.rank[rooty]+=1 self.count-=1
class Solution(): def numIslands(self,grid): if not grid or not grid[0]: return 0 m, n = len(grid), len(grid[0]) direction=[(1,0),(-1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)] us=UnionSet(grid) for i in range(m): for j in range(n): if grid[i][j]=='0': continue for d in direction: nc,nr=i+d[0],j+d[1] if nc>=0 and nr>=0 and nc <m and nr <n and grid[nc][nr]=="1": us.union(i*n+j,nc*n+nr) return us.count